4th Era - D&D 4e Clone

Work in Progress. Check back in a month or two to find more.

Don't forget to check out the work of other 4e clones like TRIC Open 4e and Heroes Against the Darkness.

What 4th Era changes and why...
  1. No more attributes! Mix and match race and class without worrying about falling behind in combat. Choose the skills that represent your character concept rather than those you have the ability bonus for. 
  2. Attack power, damage, and defense are now tied to your class. Class has always represented an abstraction of skill and raw talent but now a fighter is powerful because he has five levels of experience rather than because of his bugbear strength.
  3. +1s and +2s are already figured into the system. No more worrying about feat taxes and choosing between the feat that gives you a neat trick versus the feat that gives you more numbers. This makes a +1 sword a powerful gift and not a mathematical necessity.
  4. Get off the treadmill. Gaining levels means more and better powers, not bigger and bigger numbers. This means goblins remain a threat from level one to level twenty and if they plan well even a level one party has a chance of taking out an ancient dragon.
  5. All of the classes have been organized under three archetypes: Fighter, Mage, Rogue. Each archetypal class has a wealth of specialties that allow your Fighter to inspire his allies in battle, your wizard to call down divine power to smite the evil ones, and your rogue to make the natural world is home and his ally.


Defense -

Power Bonus - Bonus to defense, attack, and damage rolls equal to 1/3 level or 1 every 3 levels. So a 6th level character has a +2 Power Bonus to defenses, attack and damage rolls.

Superiority & Inferiority - Roll twice take highest/lowest. Ways to gain superiority: flanking, opponent has back against the wall (and you do no), enemy is dazed, etc.

Reserves - Equal to 1/4 total hit points, number determined by class. Can be spent to restore hit points.

Staggered - 1/2 health

Field Rest - 1 hour, spend up to 2 reserves

Day's Rest - 24 hours, full recovery of all Hit Points and Reserves. You cannot take a Day's Rest until you expend 3/4 of your Reserves.

Saving Throw - Roll a d20, a 10 or higher is a success.

Dazed, Immobilized,Weakened, Prone, Blinded, Stunned, Unconscious, Deafened, Grabbed, and Dominated.



The fighter is any character who uses their brawn and their battlefield prowess to solve problems.

Starting HP: 15
HP/level: 6
Reserves: 9

Fort: 18
Ref: 14
Will: 10

Example Specialties: Barbarian, Champion, Guardian, Paladin, Witchblade,


The Wizard is any character who uses their ability to alter reality to solve problems.

Starting HP: 10
HP/level: 4
Reserves: 6

Fort: 10
Ref: 14
Will: 18

Example Specialties: Wizard, Cleric, Druid, Hedge Wizard, Bard, Mentalist


The Rogue is any character who uses their cunning and maneuverability to solve problems.

Starting HP: 12
HP/level: 5
Healing Surges: 6

Fort: 10
Ref: 18
Will: 14

Example Specialties: Thief, Ranger, Archer, Inquisitor, Beguiler, Monk







Gladiator, Monster Hunter, Knight, Alchemist, Mercenary, Scholar, Seer, Werewolf/rat/bear, Beastmaster, etc, etc, etc.


+3 trained.

Equipment & Magic Items




Strong: 30 + 5/level
Average: 25 + 4/level
Fast: 20 + 3/level
Elite: Average x2
Solo: Average x4


Base 8 +1/level
+25-50% extra for encounter powers + recharge powers
+25% extra for brutes
-25% for multiple target attacks or attacks that impart a condition.



Convert 4e Monsters

AC - 1/2 Level - 5 (expected attribute bonus)
increase expected attribute bonus at 8th, 14th, and 21st level.
This means a level 10 monster with an AC of 25 in D&D 4e has an AC of 25 - 5 - 6 = 14

Wizards of the Coast, please don't sue me. You stopped making 4e so somebody had to keep the system alive.

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